
A Look At The Final Fantasy XI Job The Black Mage

Black Mages are the specialists of the Black Magic and all other spells that are used for dealing damage. Black Mages are said to be the damage artist, though this is a thought which should be carefully understood. Black Mages have the broadest sorts of damaging spells available to them, some of which can hit for astonishing sums of damage. However, not all players see Black Mages as being the most overall damaging job, despite their enormous powers. This is because in longer fights, the Black Mage can run out of MP (Magic Points), entailing that eventually other jobs can out damage the Black Mage. With this fat already known, a good Black Mage would know how to quickly deal enough damage to finish the fight.

The Black Mage is the ultimate offensive spell caster bringing death and devastation to the battle field from a distance. They are not so good at taking damage or physical attacks but their strong spells make up for that.

In some ways, Black Mages are best compared to Monks. Both jobs are good at dealing large amounts of quick damage, but do not do as well absorbing damage themselves.

Black Mage magic is mainly damaging magic, with some disabling spells as well. Black Mages can not cast healing magic. Note that all mages need to learn a spell before they can cast it. Learning a spell involves buying the spell scrolls (similar to how warriors must buy weapons) and then learning (using) it to put it into their spell book.

As with the White Mage, the Taru Taru is the best race for the Black Mage because of their high MP. Casting a lot of spells will take up MP fast so you will need a lot to make sure you don't run out in the middle of battle.

The Black Mage has the active abilities of Magicfont which gives the mage unlimited mana for 30 seconds and Elemental Seal which increases the accuracy of the next spell cast. Take note that Magicfont can only be used every 2 hours so it is best used when in great need of mana only.

The passive abilities of the Black Mage consist of Magic Attack Up at levels 10, 30 and 50 which increase the magic attack skill. Clear Mind at level 15 which inreases the mana regeneration rate of the mage. Conserve MP at level 20 which decreases the amount of mana used by spells. HP Boost at level 55 which increases the maximum HP of your character and Martial Arts at level 60 which increases the Black Mage's hand to hand combat abilities.

The Black Mage spells are all different elementals like Earth, Water, Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder and Darkness. Each type of element does different amounts of damage depending on the enemy, so it is best to know the weakness of the enemy before casting. Some spells may even heal an enemy if that is their element.

Why You Must Start Setting Goals!

If there is one message I must get across, it is this. You must start setting goals in every major area of your life. Right now, whatever your age, whatever you are doing.

Without something to focus on, the decisions we make and actions we take daily will not have any long-term direction, and will not result in any kind of achievement.

Without direction, we will be caught up with short term outcomes like paying the bills, watching TV, going shopping, trying out the newest restaurant, avoiding problems or simply making it through one hectic week after another. Like rats on a treadmill. We will tend to be caught up in a stressed and monotonous existence instead of designing a destiny and truly living.

The human mind is always pursing some kind of goal, however feeble. If we don't focus our mind on long term goals that lead us to success, our minds will tend to focus on short term and small goals that serve only to distract us and waste our time.

I always like to use a river as a metaphor for life. We are all in our boats moving down this raging river which splits into many tributaries downstream, representing the many outcomes. Which tributary we take will determine where we end up.

When we are clear which stream we want to take, we will begin rowing in that direction. Now, along the way, there are definitely going to be currents that pull us in different directions.

There are going to be rocks and rapids that block our path. But if we stay focused on where we want to go, we will just keep rowing steadfastly, re-directing our boat until we get to our destination.

However, if we go through life without any clear idea of where we are going and where we want to end up, we will just row our boats aimlessly. We will just allow the currents and the rocks to move us in all directions.

This is what happens to most people. There end up going down a stream that they don't want to be in. When they finally realize that it is not an outcome they want, they start paddling hard to avoid it. By this time, for many, it will be too late.

They go over the rapids (disaster) or finish up in a dead-end mill pond. They end up feeling frustrated, disillusioned and unfulfilled in the many different areas of their life. So, surely it is time to start deciding where you want to end up in your river of life!

The Idea Behind Protection Spells

Ancient cultures believed that the most powerful organ in our body was the Eye. They held the Eye in high esteem. They also believed that just by looking at people, we can impart negative energies into them and make then sick. They devised many ways to ward off evil energies they called the Evil Eye.

By putting symbols that were specifically designated for "protection", they believed that the evil effects would be averted. Some of the cultures used iron or other metal amulets for protection. Others used parts of dead animals such as a leopard's foot or an elephant's tusks to thwart evil. Some people used animal skins assuming that the properties of the animals would be passed on to them.

The sacred Pentagram offered protection to everyone no matter how it was fashioned. Sometimes, it was worn in pendants, stitched on clothes, etc. Many of the magickal symbols are still used for protection.

Travel was another time that people felt vulnerable. So they fashioned items, stones, rocks, twigs, etc to take with them that would provide them protection from roving unfriendly energies. Animal energies and spirits of the dead were the greatest threat to humans traveling through forests or unknown territories.

People started protecting their houses, animals, property and even nature by creating amulets or charms that reflected or deflected uncooperative energies. Mirrors were also used to reflect evil energy. Rocks, gemstones, certain shrubs, leaves, wood from certain trees, garlic, certain spices, etc were used in charms that were carried for protection or to decorate houses for protection.

Before people performed magickal incantations, they would clear the air of all negative energies. Casting the circle accomplishes just that. It surrounds the practitioner with positive vibrations that will enhance the effectiveness of the spells and rituals. A circle of protection is also envisioned as two or three spheres of throbbing, pulsating purple energy around the magick circle. This is usually done before any spell is performed.

Also, the elements are called to use their powers to banish evil intentions from the Earth at the time of the spells. Incense is used to clear the air, Candles or other lamps are believed to banish evil using Fire energy, sacred water is sprinkled on the area and fresh earth is dug up and scattered to create a space of positive energy

We still use sacred water, incense, fire, etc to remove all negativity prior to casting a spell. The first spell a new practitioner works is supposed to be a protection spell.

Sprinkling consecrated salt and water was one of the ancient ways by which a house was protected in the ancient days. This practice is followed to this day in many cultures.

Herbs such as Anise, Asafoetida, Carnations, Camphor, Coriander, Snake Root etc are a few of the many herbs that were used for protection.


Learning About Basic Wiccan Spell Supplies

There are certain things that spell makers, whether they are working in a group or own their own, will likely need. The following covers most of them, but do not feel that you need to rush out to gather all of these things immediately. You can always improvise and gather the components as you go along, so long as everything that you use is properly consecrated.

An Altar

This is simply put, a special area upon which to work your magics. They may be ornately carved, beautifully crafted works of art or they might be a simple, functional flat table where you feel comfortable working. Either way, this is a specially consecrated space on which you will work when preparing your spells and on which you may keep many of the tools which you will be using - such as a chalice, candles, and the like.

Altars are central to Wiccan rituals and many non-Wiccan spell casters make use of them as well. The shape and location of the altar is not all that important - they can be round or square, indoors or outdoors - just as long as the object hold some special significance for the caster and the place is somewhere quiet and peaceful where spells can be cast and work can be done.


A double-edged ritual knife, about six inches long. It is usually blunt because the only thing it is used to cut is energy. In accordance with tradition, athames are black handled. Wiccans and other spell weavers use the athame to direct energy and to open and close the doorway to the spell caster's circle. If there is no athame, a sword, or a wand, a branch cut very gently from a tree and suitably consecrated, can be used in its place.


Used for keeping things together and for carrying many things to and from the circle.

Bath Salts and Oils

Usually added to a ritual bath, taken before starting to weave spells, to put the spell caster into a suitably relaxed frame of mind.


Often rung at the beginning of a ritual when calling the four quarters and at the end to tell the elements to return to their realms, after they have been thanked for their attendance at the ritual.


The knife traditionally used by witches. It normally has a white handle and a curved blade. It is used to cut plants and herbs, wands, and anything else needed for the making of magic. When something is cut from a living plant it should be done very gently and one should remember to ask permission before cutting and to give thanks afterwards.

Book of Shadows

Also know as a grimoire, this is a journal of sorts in which witches keep a record of the spells they cast, the chants and invocations they use, the dreams they dream, and other matter that are pertinent to their personal magic making.


Very necessary items in the witches' cupboard. One is used to keep salt and another for water, but the efficient witch usually has several more at hand in case they are needed.


Usually the first thing that people think of when the word, "witch" is mentioned - and it is hard to stop the mental picture of a black robed crone zooming across the sky at night. Broomsticks are traditionally known as besoms in the world of witches and spell casters and are used for sweeping away negative influences as opposed to flying about.


A sharp pointed instrument used to inscribe candles and other objects.


These are absolutely essential. It is almost impossible to make magic without one. They are used in literally thousands of spells. Efficient makers of magic ensure that they have a large store of them in all sizes and colors.


Like broomsticks, these are another thing that comes to mind when most people hear the word, "witch". They are used to mix lotions and potions but don't have to be either round or black so generally associated with the Shakespearian incarnation. Any suitable heatproof vessel will do as long as it has been properly consecrated.


Used for drinking consecrated liquids during magic making, especially when more than one spell caster is present. Some people use elaborate, metal ones that are studded with semi-precious stones. Others enjoy the simplicity of crystal or glass. It is really just a matter of personal choice.


Often used to burn incense. Herbs strewn over glowing charcoal are also a part of many spells. Like everything else, it has to be consecrated before use. Efficient spell casters consecrate a large bag all at once and then dip into it as needed.


Used to burn incense. They are mounted on metal feet so that the heat of burning charcoal will not damage the surface on which they rest.


Used by practical witches to determine north, south, east, and west - and they are essential if one is weaving magic in an unfamiliar area.


Used to create magic circles in which to weave spells and also in spells that are cast to create binding magic.


Used for the power they add to a spell and also for altar decoration. Every spell caster has his or her own favorite stone, which they know from experience works for them. Each crystal holds its own power and will give different results.

Essential Oils

Commonly used in spells on their own, to dress candles, or added to incense which is to be burned in a censer. Essential oils are powerful and should never be swallowed or, with certain exceptions, rubbed directly onto the skin without first being diluted by some form of carrier oil (such as almond). The exception is lavender, which is one of the most popular and is often drizzled into a ritual bath to add fragrance to the warm water.


Widely used in the making of magic. They can be easily obtained from shops and markets and many are just as easily grown in a garden or window box. Not only is this cheaper but when they are growing their pleasing smell wafts into the house when the wind is bowing in the right direction. Herbs can be strewn on glowing charcoal, added to smoldering incense or used to anoint candles. Herbs make wonderful charms carried in a handbag wrapped in a piece of natural cloth and carried in a pocket.


Used either in powder, cone, or stick form to represent the element of air. Traditionally it should be placed and burned on the east end of a witch's altar.

Things That you Should Know About Remote Computer Data Storage

If you are wondering about remote computer data storage, then you should know that there are several things that you are going to need to learn about. After all, remote computer data storage is a very important and rather complex thing, and so thus you are going to want to make sure that you are as informed and knowledgeable on the matter of remote computer data storage as you can be.

More About Remote Computer Data Storage

If you are wondering about remote computer data storage, then one of the first things that you are going to want to know is the fact of how important it truly is to your overall computer system. Although data storage itself is necessary, remote computer controlled data storage is not, and yet it is very beneficial and so you are definitely going to want to have it if you can.

Basically remote computer data storage is the option of being able to control your data storage services through your remote computer, which means that you can do it manually on your home screen, rather than having to go into any sub-files or folders, which thus obviously makes the process itself incredibly easier overall.

If you are not sure whether your computer already has this or not, then you can call in a professional who will be able to come in and tell you, and then if your computer does not already have it, and you want to get it and install it, you have the option of again hiring a professional, or doing it yourself.

If you have no idea what you are doing then of course the smartest thing is going to be for you to hire a professional, and know that you do not necessarily have to pay a lot for this, you just are going to have to make sure that you take the time to browse through multiple options, so that you can come up with the best results overall, and so that you can also get the best worth for your money that you possibly can.

Remember that this is not something which is altogether necessary for your computer system, however it will be positive nonetheless, and so if you are interested in having it done then you should make sure that you get it done and installed on your computer as soon as you possibly can.

Managing Information To Support Strategic Planning

Establishing An Information Management Policy, by: acknowledging the importance of information to the strategic planning process and to the operational performance of the organisation; implementing an information management policy that will ensure a continuous flow of appropriate information to all levels of the organisation; allocating responsibility for the maintenance and improvement of the policy to an executive level manager; allocating level-specific responsibilities for the maintenance of the information flow.

Implementing an information management policy that is robust and rigorous is essential, not only at the strategic, corporate levels, but operationally as well. In the case of strategic planning, the quality of the information gathered, the channels used to distribute that information laterally and vertically throughout the organisation, and the interpretation of the information gathered, is vital. Without a sound foundation, the policy and its procedures, the information that is fed into the strategic planning process will be flawed, in parts at least. This will, inevitably, be damaging to the chances of the chosen strategies being successful.

Identify Information Needs, by: discussing information needs with the strategic planning team; using scenario building techniques to identify potentially differing information needs; identifying information needs of partners and key stakeholders who will be involved in the planning process; forecasting information needs for the strategic planning process; forecasting post-implementation information needs; reviewing existing information, channels and flows and identifying gaps and inadequacies; drawing up a list of information needs. This is another crucial early stage in the use of information in the strategic planning process. The leader(s) and other members of the planning team must be clear about their information needs. Whilst at this stage it is not possible to identify all the specific details, it is essential to draw up a list of categories of information that will lead to sufficient information being gathered. For example, one of the categories will be information on forecast changes in the external environment, another will be information on current and predicted competitor behaviour, another may be information on potential manpower resources, and so on. For public sector organisations one of the categories will be predicted government actions, such as in the setting of financial targets or other performance indicators. The role of the planning team is to ensure that their needs are understood and satisfied.

Establish Effective Gathering Methods, by: evaluating methods of information gathering currently used in the organisation; evaluating methods of information gathering not currently used in the organisation; selecting an appropriate range of methods for use in the strategic planning process; selecting individuals and teams to carry out the information gathering activities; providing training, financial and physical resources, to support the information gathering activity; implementing a monitoring and control procedure to ensure the process continues to be productive. There is a range of well established methods used internally by organisations, and well established commercial companies, that will provide the required information. In both cases, the methods used in gathering information must be appropriate and effective, in terms of being cost-effective and in terms of the quality of information gathered. In addition, particularly in the case of the commercial providers, the methods should be ethically sound. Whilst information gathered through unethical methods may not directly damage the strategic planning process, damage may well be caused to the reputation of the receiving organisation, and this may well then damage the chances of the strategies being successful. Obtain Required Information, by: obtaining primary and secondary objective information from internal sources and external providers; obtaining subjective information from analytical techniques such as PEST and SWOT analysis; obtaining subjective information from Competitor Analysis techniques.

Validating Information Obtained, by: vetting the quality of all sources and providers of information; testing the validity of information received; replacing unsafe information or at least acknowledging the weaknesses in it and highlighting this when it is used in the planning process. It is critical that the information used in the strategic planning process is valid. Plans based, even in part, on inaccurate, invalid, or in any way inappropriate, information, are inherently flawed and will almost certainly fail in part or totally. Internal sources of information, and the process of gathering that information, must be rigorously checked on a regular basis. External providers of information, such as commercial companies that carry out surveys or other information gathering activities, must be treated in the same way as other suppliers, in that they must be vetted for appropriate expertise and experience, for their operational quality levels, for financial standing, as well as for their ability to understand and interpret the needs of the purchasing organisation. Regarding the analytical techniques used, there are a huge range of tools and techniques that can be used to analyse information. The techniques mentioned above are named because they are common ones, familiar to most senior managers. There are many other proven methods, and these should be evaluated and used where appropriate. It is however, important to be aware that the quality of the output, the findings, from these analytical techniques are dependent on the skills of those using them and the interpretation, the conclusions, made by the analysers, and then by the end users.

Apply Outcomes To Strategic Planning Process, by: interpreting and applying the findings to the deliberations and decision making activity; regularly reviewing the validity of information and interpretations used, during the process; refreshing the information and interpretations as necessary. Using the information in the decision making activity, in building up the strategic plan, must be seen as a continuous process and one that must be monitored and controlled. If, for example, information is gathered and interpreted at the start of the planning process, and is only applied at a later stage (some annual strategic planning processes can last for many months) then the validity, the currency, of that information and its interpretation, must be challenged and if necessary discarded and replaced.

Review Effectiveness Of Process, by: carrying out regular audits on the effectiveness of the methods, tools and techniques, used in the information gathering process; carrying out regular audits on the relevance, accuracy, and value of information used in the planning process; regularly reviewing the value of the information inputs as part of the strategic planning review sessions; taking corrective action where necessary. The whole information gathering process must be reviewed on a regular basis. Ideally this should be an agenda item on all the scheduled strategic level team meetings. An additional review should take place before each distinct strategic planning process starts. In addition, the Information Management Policy itself must be reviewed and refreshed annually. To rely on outdated, inappropriate, invalid, information gathering processes would be highly damaging to the chances of future success.

Establish Future Information Needs, by: implementing a continuous development approach to information gathering, whereby the information needs of the organisation, at strategic and operational levels are continuously assessed and action instigated to satisfy those needs. In todays fast changing world of business the strategic planning process is one that is repeated at least annually, often more frequently to the point where for many organisations it is now a continuous process. Satisfying future information needs cannot be carried out as a discrete pre-planning activity. Information gathering must be continuous, and therefore future information needs must be identified on a regular basis, and these needs must then be satisfied by the information gatherers. In this way the planners have access to the necessary information as and when they need it.

In Summary: High quality information is critical to the success of the strategic plans of any organisation. All other factors can be in place, but if the information is flawed in any way, then success is much less likely. If success is achieved it may well be at a high cost. High quality information must be acknowledged as one of the organisations top priorities. Adopting a continuous development and improvement approach to the information gathering and interpretation process is essential. A complimentary approach that should be implemented in parallel with this is that of Knowledge Management. This relatively new approach is in response to the recognition of the increasing importance of identifying and gathering the internally generated information and the accumulated knowledge held within the organisation, and making effective use of these. The leader(s) of the strategic planning activity should combine the established principles of continuous development and improvement with the techniques of knowledge management, and build this into the strategies of the organisation. In this way the organisation is generating a continuous flow of high quality information, and making the most effective use of that information to support its chosen strategies.


Make the relocation process less bothersome with Long Island movers

Undoubtedly, moving is one of the most nerve-racking affairs for everyone; be it an individual or business organization, relocation pesters both equally. Since it is a tedious task, it consumes a huge share of ones precious time; in fact, inconvenience caused during relocation can utterly affect ones personal as well as professional life. Relocation includes various monotonous tasks such as packaging and unpackeging of goods, cleaning of destination building or house and arrangement of household or official things. Since one cannot manage to give proper time to these tasks, it is always advisable to take help of a moving company. At present, these companies offer moving and packing services in every state and city through their widespread network. Therefore, if you are planning to relocate your home or office within Long Island, then you can make your moving less burdensome with the help of Long Island movers.

With the support of Long Island movers, you can have an enjoyable relocation, as their efficient professionals perfectly handle every task related to relocation. Their services are reliable and set you free to perform your routine personal and official tasks. Usually, people start packing their goods in advance, which consumes a lot of unnecessary time and energy. This tendency is nothing but anxiety of relocation and the only way to cope up with it is to hire the services of Long Island movers. For people who lead a busy life, hiring their services can prove to be very beneficial as with it they can stay away from the hassle of relocation. Relocation professionals of such firms possess perfection in handling every task efficiently therefore they never let you realize that your home or office is changing its place.

Long Island movers offer services according to the clients requirement; basically, they classify relocation in various categories including personal and corporate relocation. Since effort and time can be estimated only after analyzing the subject of relocation, professionals of these firms visit the clients home or business to get a perfect idea about these issues. As far as charges of these service providers are concerned, you can be rest assured that you will be charged a reasonable amount only but if in any case you have any doubt regarding charges, you can compare them with other firms. In fact, doing a thorough market research will help you in getting a reliable firm with reasonable charges.

The biggest advantage associated with Long Island movers is that they offer insurance facility on damage or loss of goods. Therefore, if in any case, your precious goods are damaged, the firm will be responsible to pay a reasonable amount as compensation for loss. However, this condition does not appear, as they pay full attention towards the security of your goods; they provide your goods with safe packaging, careful loading and unloading and intensive placement, so that it may not face any damage. Since getting a reliable firm is not as easy as it seems to be, you need to do a thorough market research and comparison to extract the best deal from the market.

What can a Collection Company do?

What is a collection company?

There are two possibilities.

Some creditors will actually use a separate company name, address, and phone number for their internal collection departments, in order to give the impression of an "outside" agency, on the theory that debtors will take it more seriously. This strategy is generally only used when the debt is recent (under six months delinquent.)

However, the most successful collection activity is performed by an outside third-party collection company. Separate from the original creditors or 1st party they are able to work debts on behalf of all lenders. They, from time to time also buy bad account which have been designated as charge-offs by the original creditor.

This FAQ focuses on third-party collection companies.

How does a collection company get paid?

Third-party collection companies often work on commission, where they receive a percentage of the amount that they collect. Individual collectors are often paid a low base wage plus commissions based on their personal performance.

Some agencies also purchase large groups of charged-off bad debts for a small percentage of the face value (amount owed.) After a debt is sold, the debtor now owes the full amount to the purchaser. Since the chances of recovery decrease substantially with time, an agency might only pay 1% - 5% of face value. The agencies' profits come from the difference between the purchase price and the amounts that are eventually collected.

How does the collection company work?

The primary tools of a collection company are letters and telephone calls.

What are the letters like?

The letters are computer-generated, and are often in a standardized series which starts with a friendly, "reminder" tone, and may progress to ultimatums. The letters are pre-written and sent to many debtors; they are not personal.

The first letter must state that the recipient has the right to dispute the validity of the debt (in writing), and the agency must send some confirmation after verifying it with the original creditor. Collection letters must also contain the statement that they come from a debt collector, and that any information gathered will be used for the purpose of collecting the debt. Collectors are legally prohibited from printing anything on the outside of the envelope which indicates or suggests the nature of the communication. Even the return address must be discreet, so many agencies will just use their company's initials, or some other nondescript name.

The debtor's reaction to the notice will affect which additional notices the company will select from its library. Cooperation (e.g. making payment arrangements and/or partial payments) may result in letters with a gentler tone. Shifty or unfavorable reactions from the debtor may result in a more threatening tone.

Collectors attempt to create a sense of urgency, to try and collect the debt within the shortest amount of time. This hopefully will encourage the debtor to prioritize that particular obligation. Deadlines may be set, such as, Pay this amount within 10 days. There may also be threats, such as, ...Or we will proceed with further collection attempts. But most of the time, if a debtor fails to meet the deadline, all that will happen is that yet another dunning letter will arrive, making the same basic demand. The & further collection action usually just means more dunning letters.

Collection letters will always encourage the debtor to call the collection company on the phone. If the debtor doesn't call, then a collector will often call the debtor.

What are the phone calls purpose?

Individual phone collectors may be assigned a portfolio of accounts, and spend the bulk of the workday, every day, working them. The collectors devotion is fueled by frequent performance evaluations and personal commission payments. The size of a collector's own paycheck is dependent upon how much money s/he extracts from debtors. Between that factor, and the relentless confrontations, this is a very high-stress job, with high employee turnover.

If a debt collector calls and reaches someone other than the debtor (e.g. a friend), s/he is legally prohibited from disclosing That this is an attempt to collect a debt. Every state is different but this may or may not include the debtor's spouse. If the collector reaches an answering machine or voice mail, s/he will often leave a FDCPA approved message, but is prohibited from giving details for the call, since someone besides the debtor might hear it. The basic message goes something like, "I am calling for Jane Doe. It is very important that you call me back. My name is JR Rooney, and my number is 1-631-776-8109." S/he will typically sound rather unemotional and stiff. Collection companies may be required to provide a phone number which is free for the debtor to call. They also may attach their toll free numbers to caller ID equipment which instantly identifies and logs the phone number the debtor is calling from, in order to call the debtor at that number at a later date.

When speaking with a debtor, many collectors (especially those without much experience) will use a script, which contains a pre-written introduction, request for payment, and has various branches to follow, depending on how the debtor responds. If a particular debtor is taking up too much time, without making arrangements to pay, the collector will be inclined to move on to other accounts.

Any information that the debtor gives about his/her financial situation (e.g. income or current employment, etc.) will be noted on the file's record and used to estimate the probability of a recovery, the advantage of legal action, and so forth.

But what can the collection company actually do?

If they are working the debt on a contingent bases, they can send some more dunning letters and make some more scripted phone calls.

They can also report the item as refusing to pay with the credit bureaus. And if they are working on 100% contingent bases, they can recommend going legal, or if they own the debt outright, they can sue it themselves. However, the actual chances or intentions of this are often significantly less than they try to suggest to the debtor.

Collection companies can not legally seize a debtor's assets, bank accounts, or paycheck unless there has already been a successful lawsuit with a judgment awarded to them.

Collection companies can not legally make any kind of public announcements or disclosures concerning the debt, except to the credit bureaus.

Collection companies can not legally get a debtor fired from his/her job.

Collection companies can not legally engage in any type of physical violence or threats to collect.

Why does the debtor pay?

Often, the reasons include fear, guilt, intimidation, and a lack of understanding of the legal situation. Plus it is the right thing to do.

The debtor may feel guilty and ashamed of being a "deadbeat," and may perceive a judgment of his/her value as a person.

The debtor may have greatly exaggerated ideas about what collectors are (legally) capable of doing, and may have outdated stereotypes in mind.

The debtor may be intimidated by the relentless, confidant demands, from companies that may seem so powerful. S/he may take it personally, and assume that great individual attention is being given to this particular debt.

Consumers being contacted by collection companies are typically in serious financial difficulty, and under emotional stress about the general situation, so they may be confused and vulnerable.

Many debtors aren't aware of their legal rights, and feel powerless.

There are two main things that a collection company can actually do that a debtor should be concerned about. These involve damage to credit reports, and the smaller possibility of a lawsuit.

What about credit reports?

3rd party collection companies have the ability to report a debt to one or more of the credit bureaus, as a "Collection Account," including the amount, and whether it was paid or Refused to pay. Paying off a collection account will not result in the item being removed from the consumer's credit reports - it will simply be marked "Paid in full." Collection companies can report debts that they have purchased as well as debts that they are working on contingency.

Also, a collection company may request a debtor's credit report, in order to get an idea of his/her general financial situation, and to get an updated address and phone number.

How long do collection accounts last?

Collection accounts are subject to the normal 7 year time limit for appearing on a credit report. As specified in Section 605 of the FCRA this time limit is based on the date of the original delinquency.

What are the chances of a lawsuit?

If the debt still belongs to the original creditor, a third-party collection company cannot file a lawsuit. But if the balance is large, the debtor is being resistant, and if there are indications that the debtor has vulnerable assets, the agency may send the account back to the creditor with a recommendation to sue. Each creditor has its own criteria for the decision; for example, the amount must be substantial (often $1500 or more, at the very least.)

Collection companies try to avoid sending too many accounts back, it gives the appearance that they aren't very good at collecting. Also, letters and phone calls are much less expensive than filing suit.

If a collection company has purchased the debt, then they have the ability to file suit, but in most cases, the debt is likely to be rather old, and the agency doesn't have much money invested into it.

Fear and intimidation are a collectors biggest assets, since those things can work much more quickly, cheaply, and efficiently than filing suit.

Lawsuits certainly are brought against plenty of debtors, but not nearly as often as debtors fear. There is a big difference between, "Pay up or we will continue with collection action," compared to an actual Summons And Complaint.

If the debt is substantial and recent, and the debtor appears to be a good target (e.g. reasonable assets or income), a lawsuit is a real possibility. If you are served with legal documents specifying a particular court, hearing date, etc., you should see a qualified attorney immediately. That area is beyond the scope of this FAQ.

How are collection companies regulated?

The most important law is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which places many restrictions on collection activities. The FDCPA only covers third-party collection companies, not original creditors.

Every state has applicable laws regarding such things as telephone harassment.

Who enforces the FDCPA?

The Federal Trade Commission oversees the collections industry, and has the authority to impose fines or other penalties for violations. However, the FTC does not get involved with individual consumers' cases. They accept a large number of complaints, and look for patterns of violations which could then lead to action against a particular collection company.

What if a collection company has bought the debt?

The agency then becomes the creditor for most purposes. The debtor will not be able to make any settlements with the original creditor. The agency might be technically able to file a lawsuit against the debtor, (although this is not likely.)

However, the Federal Trade Commission has issued a Staff Opinion Letter which indicates that, even if a collection company has purchased a debt, it is still covered under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act as a "third-party debt collector."

What about the relevant time limits?

The debt does not become some kind of "new" debt just because it was sold. For example, the 7 year credit reporting time limit is still based on the original delinquency date with the original creditor. The statute of limitations for filing lawsuits is also based on that same date. These limits can not be legitimately "reset" by a collection company that has bought the debt.

However, the statute of limitations may possibly be reset if the debtor makes a specific promise to pay, or a partial payment.

Can they do anything after the time limits are up?

Yes. The statute of limitations only covers the filing of lawsuits, and the credit reporting time limit only covers bureau listings. There is no time limit on letters and phone calls.

A collection company that has purchased a bundle of "out-of-statute" debts (where the SOL has already expired, or "run") is hoping that, either the debtors will feel guilty, or that they won't be aware of that "out-of-statute" status. But if a particular debtor makes it clear that s/he understands the legal situation, then the collectors are likely to give up and move on to easier targets.

Can collectors call the debtor's place of employment?

Yes, but there are limitations. For example, they can not legally tell your employer about the debt, or try to have you fired.

Is there any way to make them stop calling?

Yes. According to section 805 of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act:

"(c) CEASING COMMUNICATION. If a consumer notifies a debt collector in writing that the consumer refuses to pay a debt or that the consumer wishes the debt collector to cease further communication with the consumer, the debt collector shall not communicate further with the consumer with respect to such debt, except --

(1) to advise the consumer that the debt collector's further efforts are being terminated;

(2) to notify the consumer that the debt collector or creditor may invoke specified remedies which are ordinarily invoked by such debt collector or creditor; or

(3) where applicable, to notify the consumer that the debt collector or creditor intends to invoke a specified remedy.

If such notice from the consumer is made by mail, notification shall be complete upon receipt."

So the consumer can just send a third-party collection company a written notice (preferably citing the FDCPA), ordering them to stop the collection letters and calls, and the agency is legally obligated to comply. The only permissible contact thereafter is to notify the debtor of specific "remedies," like legal action, but usually the collectors won't even bother.

If the creditor hasn't yet made a decision on whether or not to file suit, then that decision may be made at this point, rather than being delayed.

After a "cease and desist" notice from the consumer, the debt may then be returned to the original creditor, passed on to another third-party agency, or simply filed away, depending on the circumstances. The agency may still report the account to the credit bureaus.


Reach out for BPO Jobs in Hyderabad

Outsourcing to Hyderabad has been rising in waves, starting first with software in the late 80s; its now the BPO Industry that is flourishing! BPOs in Hyderabad are providing employment to thousands of job-seekers, to both experienced and fresh talent.

Call center jobs in Hyderabad are welcoming candidates willing to work in shifts, with excellent written and spoken english, comfortable talking to people and have good listening ability, possess sound understanding of work environment and delivery and command over technical, analytical and probing skills.

The basic academic background requisite to locate one-self in the industry is graduation. This will support you to get a job in Operations/ Customer care/ Telecalling/ Backend. Technical knowledge is essential for technical/ semi technical support. With an experience of 0 to 2 years an employee can earn a salary ranging from Rs.8000 - Rs.25000 per month.

There are multiple reputed companies recruiting talent in Hyderabad. At present, Nipuna offers BPO solutions in four core verticals, including telecoms, manufacturing, healthcare/insurance and banking-financial services. Its about to expand its BPO services palate by getting into animation and KPO. The companys total employee base is close to 2000. IBM Global Services is one of the prime IT MNC recruiting in Hyderabad. IBM India has a work force of 35000. India is Accenture's second largest country of operations. Leveraging our peoples skills in these locations, Accenture delivers consulting, technology solutions and business process outsourcing services to clients across a diverse range of industries around the world. Wipro BPO also has deep expertise in delivering process specific solutions in areas like Finance & Accounting, Procurement, HR Services, Loyalty Services and Knowledge Services.

Various Recruitment consultants in Hyderabad and giants like Kelly Services, Personnel Search Service Pvt. Ltd., Fact Personnel Pvt. Ltd. etc feel the city has huge potential for growth as head-hunting by employers is speeding up leaving behind past records!

Hyderabad has come up on the global platform. Its strong & steady growth suggests, the city has miles to climb! With Indian economy shining brighter, Hyderabads Job scene is out-shining all others like Pearl!


Baja Land For Sale

Cab San Lucas (popularly known as just Cabo) is the central hub of tourist activity in Baja California Sur. One of the most popular and also the most well developed places in the Baja region, Cabo has been at the heart of tourism and other tourist activities for many years. In fact it is a region of Mexico that has seen rapid real estate development, which has been both state funded, and funded by the real estate boom, a boom that has been fuelled by overseas buyers and purchases. There is a great demand for real estate in places in and around Cabo, which is why the real estate market is flourishing and constantly evolving to meet the needs of overseas buyers from all over the world, not just the Unites States.

Cabo has a magnificently young feel about it and is well known for its parties, yet at the same time it has preserved a mature and more 'colonial' lifestyle. Located on the southern tip of the Baja California Sur region, Cabo San Lucas is close to another popular tourist destination San Jose del Cabo. In terms of the value of the real estate, many real estate agents acknowledge the massive potential the land which lies between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo has. Many people prefer places like Mexico to get away from the hectic life style they lead, and this is where the secluded, but easily accessible stretch of land between Cabo and San Jose del Cabo is so much in demand. In fact, the highway between Cabo and San Jose del Cabo, is almost sold out, as the golf course, and major hotels are all located in this particular stretch.

Apart from the region around Cabo, there are also numerous real estate options available within Cabo, from Villas, to well developed flats and condos. Cabo has a fantastic blend of modern and Mexican architecture about it. Since the number of tourists coming to Cabo seems to be increasing every year, real estate developers have already started catering to the taste of more international audience, and have developed some beautiful villas and beach front properties. In fact along with La Paz, Cabo is the best place to buy a beach front property, depending on a person's taste, the beach front properties are located both in famous 'party spots' and in secluded parts of Cabo.

The real estate boom Baja California Sur is experiencing today is mainly due to the impressive government and foreign investment that places like Cabo have received. Real estate is peaking at a ten year high, and with more and more villas, luxury resorts and beach front properties coming up, the future of real estate in Cabo looks very good. Anyone who is considering investing in real estate should consider investing in real estate or property in Cabo, as it has the right blend of youth and a laid back life style; Cabo is one of the few places in the Mexico that can claim to offer something for everyone, especially when it comes to real estate and property.

Womens Health and Herbs

Healthy Women, Healthy World

With limited access to education or employment in many nations, high illiteracy rates and increasing poverty levels are making health improvement for women exceedingly difficult. Many of the modest gains in womens health realized in recent decades are now threatened or have been reversed due to war, economic instability and the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Women play a unique role in maintaining the health and well-being of their communities. Womens health issues have attained higher international visibility and renewed political commitment in recent decades.

Women always face unique health issues. From puberty through menopause, women deal with hormonal fluctuations, monthly menses, ovulation, pregnancy, and lactation. Breast cancer is a devastating illness striking women often in the prime of life. As many as 44,000 women die from breast cancer each year.

Women are also warned to guard against osteoporosis, or thinning and weakening of bones. The risk of heart disease climbs rapidly in women. As many as 36 per cent of American women, or about 375,000, die from heart disease each year. In addition, coronary risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension are all on the rise among women.

It is every womans birth right to avail good health; hale heart, strong bones, strength and vitality. Women need some tried and true, safe and simple way to nourish themselves, ease their daily discomforts as well as help guard against, and therefore prevent, serious, life threatening diseases. We've pulled together all our resources to help you get expert information on breast cancer prevention, treatment and more.

A variety of herbs are available to treat diseases related to women. Get information about natural remedies and herbs that provide safe and effective treatment to womens problems. We offer information about issues such as heavy bleeding, fibroids, hysterectomy, menopause and hormones, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ovarian problems.

If you have a personal health story; something which you have struggled through, but survived or something which you still face in your life and you would like to share it with other you can send it to Herbalist.com. Visit Herbalist and get answers to all questions related to womens health, herbal remedies, and herbal treatments.


LA Ink: Back for Another Year

Fans of the TLC reality television series LA Ink have reason to rejoice, as the show has been recently confirmed for renewal and one more season next year. The good news was revealed by show star Kat Von D, who works as one of the tattoo artists of the High Voltage Tattoo parlor, during an interview on the red carpet at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards. During an interview with Buzznet.com, she remarked that production on the show was doing well and going really great. She added that as the first season had finished filming, the second season was then picked up by network executives.

Kat Von D also expressed her high level of excitement at another season, as well as the chance to show viewers what their show was truly all about. LA Ink is a spin-off of the previous reality television series Miami Ink, which also featured the day-to-day lives and work of a tattoo parlor based in Miami. She also appeared for two seasons on that parent show, though she had several arguments and disputes with fellow tattoo artist and Miami shop owner Ami James. Kat Von D eventually chose to move back to her hometown of Los Angeles, where she opened up and headed the High Voltage Tattoo establishment.

One of the main differences between the two shops and shows is that in LA Ink, the staff of the tattoo parlor is predominantly female. Four women out of five staff members are featured on the show, with Kat Von D as their leader. The others are Pixie Acia, Kim Saigh, and Hannah Aitchison. Kat Von D has explained that she wants her show to become a role model and inspiration for young girls not necessarily in guiding them towards also becoming tattoo artists, but in showing them a team of empowered, independent and artistically talented women.

Inkjet Printers -- A Helpful Guide To Understanding This Technology

Inkjet printers are one of the most common and effective printing technologies on the market today. There are many variations on this design in use for both commercial and private needs, although models used in the private sector use the same basic design and technologies.

What Makes an Inkjet Printer Work

Although there are many versions of inkjet printers, they all share some basic methods. One of the basic methods that an inkjet printer utilizes is to propel miniature drops of ink out of their nozzles and onto blank paper in such a way as to form a pattern that will end up in an image. Normally, the part of the printer that holds these nozzles, called the print head, will move quickly across the paper, spraying ink. Then the paper will be moved a small distance, and the printer will travel over the paper once again. An image is formed from the small lines of ink.

Using An Inkjet Printer

When you first purchase a printer, you will need to hook it up to your computer. The majority of people use either a USB port or a parallel port, which should match up to the proper port on your computer. Once it is plugged in the printer will need to be synched up with the computer, however, most modern operating systems will either do this automatically or provide directions.

After the printer has been installed properly, it will then be able to print your documents and pictures from any program. Every so often you will need to replace the print cartridge when the old one runs out of ink. Because of the fact that these printer cartridges vary from printer to printer, you should keep in mind that you need to purchase the proper one to fit your model. Installation should be very easy and instructions should be included in the owner's manual.

Inkjet Printers Advantages and Disadvantages

Inkjet printers have various advantages over other printing technologies. Their functional operations are much cheaper and quieter, and they start up quicker than the majority of other printer technologies. The printers themselves are also often cheaper than other styles. The majority of them can output very high-quality images, where the majority of other printer technologies do not have this type of ability.

Unfortunately, inkjet printers often have trouble creating these higher quality images unless given specially treated paper, which is often costs more. The ink cartridges can also be very expensive, and are often incompatible with other printer models. The heads of an inkjet printer can sometimes be prone to clogging and flimsy as well.

In conclusion, due to the fact that inkjets use water-soluble ink, the output onto the paper has the potential to be smudged by even the smallest amount of water. The images have the potential to be blurred even by highlighter markers.


Adventure Tours and Travel in India:One of the Most Rewarding Experiences of Your Life

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind Seneca
The urge to travel and wander from place to place is innate in human nature. Since the pre historic days, people travelled from one place to the other, for search of better habitat to explore newer places on earth. In this age also, exploring new places and the craving to see the unseen and to know the unknown is mans passion.

India is a land of geographical diversity. Indias vast geographical expanse is gifted with natures all valuable riches. The reason why ancient traders and wanderers came and found this place as the place for settlement may be accounted for this very reason. India is one of the most popular tourist destinations of the world. It is said that in India there exists unity in diversity. This refers to the cohabitation of a vast population of different caste, creed and culture, living in harmony. Indias geographical diversity is worth noted. Bounded by Himalayas in the North and surrounded by water bodies from three sides, Indias geography and geology is outstanding.

India is also ranked among the top three adventure tourism destinations. The land of Punjaba Sindhu Gujratha Maratha is gifted with a mixture of hilly mountain ranges on the top, pure water bodies flowing by the sides and through its heart, greenery and also desert lands in the west. Adventure travel includes mountaineering, trekking, skiing, water sports, camping, safari, wildlife, eco tourism and many more. Indias strategic geographic location and its features give ample scope for adventure travel.

Mountaineering in India is as old as the historic times. The Garhwal and Kumaon regions of Uttaranchal, Chamba and Manali in Himachal Pradesh, Darjeeling and Sikkim in the north east and Ladakh mountain ranges in Jammu and Kashmir are dream destinations for trekkers. Skiing as a sport is another fun ingredient for travellers. The hilly ranges, snow capped mountains, deep valleys and glaciers have all the components to attract adventure tourists. For many, exploring the unexplored places is a delight. For those adventure travellers, Indias desert lands, hilly terrains and profound jungles provide an excellent scope for Safari.

If you are interested in adventure tours and travel, explore every corner of this mystic land. T2India is Indias premier travel agency offering you best tour packages with the hottest deals. We have liaison with all prime Indian Hotels. We present you with all the luxuries of your India tour along with experienced tourist guides and a compact itinerary. Visit http://www.t2india.com and start your packing.

Legal Tips When Traveling Overseas

Obey Foreign Laws

When you are in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws. It helps to learn about local laws and regulations and to obey them. Try to avoid areas of unrest and disturbance. Deal only with authorized outlets when exchanging money or buying airline tickets and traveler's checks. Do not deliver a package for anyone, unless you know the person well and you are certain that the package does not contain drugs or other contraband.

Before you think about selling personal effects, such as clothing, cameras, or jewelry, you should learn about the local regulations regarding such sales. You must adhere strictly to local laws because the penalties that you risk are severe.

Some countries are particularly sensitive about photographs. In general, refrain from photographing police and military installations and personnel; industrial structures, including harbor, rail, and airport facilities; border areas; and scenes of civil disorder or other public disturbance. Taking such photographs may result in your detention, in the confiscation of your camera and films, as well as the imposition of fines. For information on photography restrictions, check with the country's tourist office or its embassy or consulate in the United States. Once abroad, you can check with local authorities or with the Consular Section of the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.

Legal Aid

Because you are subject to local laws abroad, there is little that a U.S. consular officer can do for you, if you encounter legal difficulties. As stated previously, a consular officer cannot get you out of jail. What American officials can do is limited by both foreign and U.S. laws.
Although U.S. consular officers cannot serve as attorneys nor give legal advice, they can provide a list of local attorneys and help you find adequate legal representation. The lists of attorneys are carefully compiled from local bar association lists and responses to questionnaires, but neither the Department of State nor U.S. embassies nor consulates abroad can assume responsibility for the caliber, competence, or professional integrity of the attorneys.

If you are arrested, you should ask the authorities to notify a consular officer at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. Under international agreements and practice, you have the right to talk to the U.S. consul. If you are denied this right, try to have someone get in touch with the U.S. consular officer for you.

When alerted, U.S. officials will visit you, advise you of your rights according to local laws, and contact your family and friends, if you wish. They will do whatever they can to protect your legitimate interests and to ensure that you are not discriminated against under local law. U.S. consuls can transfer money, food, and clothing to the prison authorities from your family or friends. They will try to get relief, if you are held under inhumane or unhealthy conditions or treated less favorably than others in the same situation.


Find Prom Dresses and Other Prom Essentials while Staying within Your Budget

Prom time is an exciting time. It's a time when young couples and singles get together to dance the night away in a glamorous setting while wearing fancy tuxedos and elegant prom gowns. Yes, the prom is one of the most important events of a teen's life. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most expensive events for you as a parent.

Buying prom dresses, shoes, and all the accessories to go with it can add up money-wise in a hurry. So here are some great tips on buying prom dresses and other prom items while staying within your budget.

Budgeting for Prom Dresses

A prom dress alone can cost anywhere from $100 to $300 or more, depending on the style of dress and designer. Proms are formal, black-tie events. Formal dresses can be expensive so it's a good idea to shop around early at various stores or even shop online for the best price on prom dresses. Shopping online, you can often find great deals on stunning prom gowns by designers like Mori Lee, Jovani, Clarisse, Niteline, Dave and Johny, Paris, Riva, and Alyce Designs.

The best way to budget for a prom dress is to start saving early or put the dress on lay-away if possible. If the prom event is to take place in April, start at the beginning of the school year. You'll have about six months or approximately 24 weeks to save for a prom dress. Try to save at least $20 to $25 per week to have enough for a dress and possibly the accessories as well by prom time.

Cost of Prom Accessories

Keep in mind that the price for a prom dress is not the only price to consider when budgeting for the prom. You also need to factor in the price for shoes, costume jewelry, stockings, a matching purse, hair pieces, makeup (if using a beautician or makeup artist), and nails. All these together can cost anywhere from $100 to $250. It's almost as much as or more than the cost of the prom dress, so be sure to start saving early for these as well.

A Boutonniere for Her Date

If your daughter is attending the prom with a date, she'll need to buy a boutonniere for him in exchange for his corsage to her. Carnations are usually the least expensive. Orchids are typically much higher. Check around at various flower shops beforehand to compare prices. A boutonniere can range from $10 to $30, depending on the type of flower.

Tickets and Prom Photos

Other costs to consider are the prom tickets and prom photos. Prom ticket prices will vary depending on where you live in the U.S. Prom picture prices can vary as well depending on how many prints you order. Many prom photographers will expect payment up front, so keep this in mind as an early budget item as well.

Visiting an online prom dress and prom accessory resource might be the best solution for staying within your budget. Prom specialty websites usually don't have the high overhead costs that a brick-and-mortar prom store might have, so they can pass the savings on to you. Also, you can find a great variety of prom items that you might not find in a local store.

Once you find a dependable source for formal wear, you can shop there for other items in the future such as homecoming dresses, fashion jewelry, and other women's interests items and formal clothing. Start shopping and budgeting today to give your daughter a memorable prom night!

Top 10 Corporate Gifts

The quality and effectiveness of a corporate gift is determined by a number of factors. The most important among them is the Return on Investment (ROI) gained by the promotional articles. The ROI is the measure of the effectiveness of the article in spreading the brand name in the public.

Of thousands of options available for corporate gifts, a few of them are found to be more effective than the others. A lot of them are effective because of their long life while others promise better quality. A few of them have the power to attract the customers with their special designs while another category of items excel because of their utility. If you want to select a large number of promotional items that meet all these criteria, please visit the online store of www.clickpromogifts.com. At Clickpromogifts, there are varieties of articles offered under different categories such as Bags, Clothing, Desktop Items, Writing articles, Travel articles, etc.

To name a few amongst the corporate gifts that offer the best brand visibility, we have an offering of promotional polo shirts, caps, umbrellas, rucksacks, etc. These gifts are suitable for all categories of people and they are the most useful accessories too. The advantage of gifting personal accessories as promotional gifts is that they will be used very frequently, and at every time the user goes out wearing these items, it adds credit to your brand promotion venture. The above items can be distributed on any occasion, be it a seminar, conference, or an exhibition. You may gift them to your valuable employees as motivational gifts. They are, however, costlier than many other promotional items, and therefore, should be chosen only if your budget allows it.

There are many promotional items that cost a few pence per piece but are capable of yielding excellent results. The most popular among them are the pens and writing articles, key rings, sticky notes, memo blocks, notepads, etc. These have been popular as the most cost-effective gifts because of their efficiency in performing their role as brand promotion tools. Compared to the costlier gifts that are given to a selected few of your clients, the low-budget gifts can be given to a comparatively larger number and may produce better result. This type of mass gifting avoids the possible risks involved in gifting to a few.

There are many articles that serve as excellent business gifts for specific category of people such as travellers, sportsmen, college students, software professionals, etc. If you wish to publicise your brand in any of these categories of people, you can use customised gifts. To find a variety of options in all types of promotional gifts, please visit our website www.clickpromogifts.com


Spend an Exciting, Affordable Holiday in Cape Town!

Most newcomers to the city of Cape Town don't know where to begin. The fact that the city's size is restricted by being between the mountain and the sea has only made the locals cram more into the space available. The city is by no means crowded however, and extends far beyond the confines of the city bowl. There are a lot of attractions to be found outside of the confines of the city, but for those seeking luxury, excitement and the finer things in life, the best of these can be found within Cape Town itself.

If you want a little more than what the St. James - Kalk Bay - Fish Hoek coastline has to offer, there are plenty of fine restaurants and curio shops in and around the center of town to keep you interested. Long Street has developed as the center of town, and a walk along this aptly named street will take you from one end of the city bowl to the other in around 30 minutes. Along the way you will find many different distractions, depending on the time of day.

During the daytime you will find clothing retailers, cafes, a few pubs and some excellent restaurants. By night Long Street is the center of Cape Town night life, and there are over twenty nightclubs to choose from which range from bohemian Rastafarian restaurants to the trendiest clubs. Long street is the playground of Cape Town's well-heeled partiers, and you will find the best entertainment the city has to offer along this road at night.

The obvious attraction in Cape Town is the V & A Waterfront, where you can find craft markets, a mall, ocean-going and Robben Island trips and much more. At the Cape Town International Conference Center which is just next door you can catch trade shows, new vehicle releases, art displays and presentations from local and international speakers on any topic under the sun. Finding anything in Cape Town takes a little getting used to, but once you find that all the streets run in a grid pattern it is easy to count blocks to get to your destination.

Accommodation options within Cape Town are abundant, but none are inexpensive. Small guest houses and self-catering apartments are available, but if you are in the market for this type of accommodation you could find much better for the same price outside of town. There are a number of hotels dotted around town, including the famous Mount Nelson, the Cape Grace, the Sheraton, the Holiday Inn and the hotels in the V & A Waterfront: The Victoria and Alfred Hotel, the Radisson and the Table Bay Hotel. Accommodation at all of these venues is the finest in Cape Town, but comes at a premium. If you are touring Cape Town on a budget, your best bet would be to find accommodation outside of the city center.

Mum is into Webkinz

Yes mum is hooked, many of you parents blessed with kids probably already know about Webkinz, the cuddly toys that have taken our kids by storm for the last two years. I tried to figure out about what makes these Webkinz so special that our kids keep constantly nagging us to buy them new ones. What's the secret that prevents our kids from getting bored with Webkinz within the average two week new toy lifespan, and why have our kids found a new best friend in our computer?.

I recently found the answer, my wife told me all about these smart cookies at the Ganz marketing department (Ganz is the maker of Webkinz by the way).
Instead of just making a cuddly toy representing all the species of the animal kingdom, they have created a virtual online world in which their webkinz live.
This Webkinzworld is hidden from us ignorant mortals by a secret entry code. Each new Webkinz comes with a sealed tag which contains the entry code. In order to give their pet webkinz all the stuff they need ( food, shelter, flatscreen, jacuzzi) our kids need to do chores in this virtual world. This way they make money called Kinzcash and the more money means the more goodies for their friends. This keeps our kids pretty busy during their spare time, as they want nothing but the best for their Webkinz pet and need to do lots of chores for lots of Kinzcash.

Lately something disturbing took place, it's not just my kids being hooked on webkinz, now mum is hooked too!
Mum is hooked for a different reason though, she's in it for the cold hard cash. Mum buys and trades retired Webkinz, the special one off seasonal Webkinz which are released on special occasions like, Christmas, Easter, Halloween and Valentines Day.
Mum keeps here Webkinz boxed up and the tags sealed, which is extremely important for resale value.
Lets take an example, a Webkinz Love Puppy (last years Valentines special) would have cost about 12 dollars retail last year, is now being traded on Ebay for up to 250 dollars and then some. This is a 2000% return on investment in a year, not bad at all I would say. Other retired seasonal Webkinz are sold for more or less the same figures.

Me loves my wife, me really loves my wife, my wife's hobby is better than my retirement plan. Please keep doing the good work Ganz because daddy wants to retire in Florida soon!

Who Can You Trust With Your Home Loan?

Who can you trust with your home loan? When you consider the financial and social impact of purchasing a home, that's a great question. So much has happened to home owners in the past two years this may be a good time for some strategic reflection.

The reports about nationwide foreclosure are just astounding. According to RealtyTrac.com, foreclosure activity is up over 55% in the first half of 2007!

Bankruptcies are now being pursued at the prime lender level. According to the Inman News service, American Home Mortgage Investment Corporation, a publicly traded real estate investment trust, and the nation's 10th-biggest residential mortgage lender, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Estimates suggest more than sixty subprime lenders have either sought bankruptcy protection or suspended lending operations.

More financial dominoes are poised to fall as the one trillion dollars in Adjustable Rate Mortgage's (ARMs) are set to adjust in each of the next two years.

What we are witnessing is the "cause and effect" of selfishness and greed in the mortgage lending community. Instead of following sound business practices that protect the borrower and the lender with appropriate underwriting, the desire for more profits has thrown things out of balance.

For many lenders the desire for commissions, fees, or profits, whichever is most appropriate, simply overtook their better judgment. Their actions have created a "crisis of conscience" in the lending community.

Think about it. The creation of products like "Stated income loans", "Adjustable Rate Mortgages", "Interest Only Loans", and "Negative Amortizing Loans" demonstrate a certain degree of creativity. However, in the hands of financially inexperienced borrowers, the improper use of these tools has resulted in financial disaster for too many home owners.

As a matter of fact, it became too common for many lenders to actually encourage borrowers to apply for home loans they had very little chance of ever repaying. To make matters worse, many of the loan contracts contained pre-payment penalties.

These penalties would have to be paid even if the borrower wanted to get out of the contract and into something more suitable. This is a major part of the "crisis of conscience" I refer to. Since the loans were created and then sold to Wall Street as mortgage backed securities, the rest of the dominoes have not yet fallen.

You see these securities are part of pension funds, hedge funds, mutual fund families, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), and similar investments. The results of these activities become real once the write downs and write offs have been completed. For many investors the results will be not only disappointing, but devastating.

Here's another hit by the sub-prime market's collapse. Investors in a 10-month-old Bear Stearns (BSC) hedge fund are learning the hard way about the danger of investing in risky bonds with borrowed money. The investment firm's High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage Fund, as of April 30th, was down a whopping 23% for the year! This is a preview of things to come.

Based on what has just happened, is it just me or is there something really wrong with the name of that fund?

Let's not forget about the conscience of the borrowers. They are not without blame. A home loan for many people is the largest investment they will ever make. Better buying decisions must be made that are based on deductive reasoning as well as emotion. Professional help with contract reviews would also be very helpful.

My barber gets credit for sharing a very simple but potent example of what should happen between a financial counselor and a borrower. He was a Vietnam war veteran. After the war he decided to take advantage of the VA Bill that allowed him to get a 100% home loan in return for his service to this country.

He and his wife finally found what they were sure was to be their "dream home". Just use your imagination to get an idea about what a dream home looks like.

When they met with the VA counselor to discuss buying this home, things became much more realistic. For example, my barber was advised that only he was a war veteran, so only he was eligible for the special home loan funding.

Consequently it made a lot more sense to find a home that could be purchased with his income, not their combined incomes. Further, when he reviewed the financial data the counselor asked if the couple intended to have any food in the house. In addition, if there was to be food, how would it be prepared? Of course you can see how this was developing.

Once you add in the other utilities and the taxes and insurance, what you thought was to be your mortgage payment falls way short of your actual mortgage expense.

As a home owner you should also put some money away for emergencies and the so-called "rainy day". In this land of opportunity there should also be a comprehensive investment plan.

This counselor did exactly what needed to be done to prevent the very problems that are so prevalent today. His actions demonstrated the best way to overcome a "crisis of conscience". Just do the right thing for the borrower and the lender when creating a home loan. In a win-win situation, there are no losers.

Copyright 2007 / TDO Properties, LLC / All Rights Reserved

Rodney Dangerfield: An Icon of Classic Late Night Television Stand-up

He was recognized by his trademark phrase - I dont get no respect.

Born on November 22, 1921 in Babylon, New York, Rodney Dangerfield began writing jokes at age 15 and performing his comedy by his late teens. For ten years, he struggled as a stand up comedian and worked as a singing waiter to make ends meet. When his comedy career failed to really take off, Dangerfield, who had been working in entertainment as Jack Roy, left show business for a regular job. He spent the 1950s selling aluminum siding in New Jersey while supporting his first wife and two children.

He took another chance at show business after his divorce in 1961 and became known for the rest of his life as Rodney Dangerfield. By this time, he was approaching his fortieth birthday. His big break came when he appeared as a guest on The Ed Sullivan Show. He did what few people were able to do he made Ed Sullivan laugh. During the 1960s he made the rounds of many of the most popular variety shows. He performed his standup on The Joey Bishop Show, The Merv Griffin Show and The Jackie Gleason Show. In 1969 he made his first of 35 appearances on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. In addition to his gigs on television, he spent his time making the rounds of comedy clubs throughout the country.

In 1969, the comedian opened his own standup comedy club, Dangerfields in New York City. From its inception, it has been one of the most popular comedy clubs in America, receiving rave reviews by top newspapers and entertainment guides. Since Dangerfields opened its doors almost 40 years ago it has seen the likes of Jay Leno, Jim Carey, Chris Rock, Andrew Dice Clay, Tim Allen and Jerry Seinfeld grace its stage. Many of the comedy clubs biggest draws find themselves as guests on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno or Late Night With David Letterman.

Having cemented his place in stand up comedy history, Dangerfield turned his attention to acting. He had his first movie role in the 1971 film The Projectionist and had a role on the television show Benny and Barney: Las Vegas Undercover later in the decade. The acting roles came slowly but in 1980 he landed a role that made him a household name. He starred as the obnoxious real estate developer Al Czervik in the comedy smash Caddy Shack. Suddenly people who didnt know much about comedians knew all about Rodney Dangerfield.

He followed Caddy Shack with two other 1980s comedies, Easy Money and Back To School. In 1991, he made the animated movie Rover Dangerfield, the story of a dog that gets no respect. Throughout his career, his line about getting no respect was his trademark.

Dangerfield branched out into a serious role next. He played the abusive father to Juliette Lewis character in the controversial film Natural Born Killers. It has been reported that Dangerfield was allowed to write his own lines for the role. This was to be his only serious film role. He followed it with more comedies like Meet Wally Sparks and The Godson. In 2000, the almost 80-year-old comedian starred alongside Adam Sandler in Little Nicky.

His very last acting role was that of God in 2005s Angels with Angels. It was released posthumously. Dangerfield died on October 5, 2004. He had fallen into a coma after heart surgery and never regained consciousness. His tombstone reflects his comedy. It reads Rodney Dangerfield There Goes the Neighborhood.

His comedy career spanned over 60 years. In addition to all of his stage and screen accomplishments during those years, he also won two awards for his achievements. In 1981 he won a Grammy Award for his comedy recording titled No Respect. In 1995 the American Comedy Awards honored him with a Creative Achievement Award.

One of his lesser-known achievements was that he was the first entertainment personality to have his own website. In 1995 he created Rodney.com, which is still in existence today.

During Rodney Dangerfields career he had success on the comedy stage, in film, and on the television. He gave countless other comedians the chance to show their stuff on the stage at his own comedy club. His trademark line, I dont get no respect will forever be associated with the comedian who in spite of his onstage persona was loved and respected by millions of fans.

~Ben Anton, 2007

The Post-Modern Metaphysical Implications of Digital Printing on Screen Printing

If one were to make the bold assertion that the printing industry is dead and that our own thrift and drive towards perfection has killed it, than one must first consider what it means to be a dead industry. For an industry to be dead, it must have been superseded by a newer and higher form of production. The spinning wheel killed the hand weaving of yonder, and that was in turn done in by the invention of mechanical spinning wheels and so on and so forth. The point is that although those industries try to carry on, they ultimately failed as our human spirit pushed off the shackles of conformity, tradition, and ignorance and reached forward out of the cave and into the light.
Many make the claim that this is what is happening to the screen printing industry of today. I aim to demonstrate that although perhaps traditional screen printing wont be done for ever, digital technology is not the revolution that makes traditional screen printing obsolete. The fact of the matter is that digital printing is in its infancy and not going to overtake screen printing anytime soon.
The reasons for this edifying line of thought is that it choice brings along with it variety. In existential way, our valuing choice and independence has given rise to the prodigious amount of variety that exists and has made this choice the ultimate good. If everything is relative and nothing absolute, then the choices that arise give rise themselves to variety, the new ultimate good. This ability to choose for ourselves ensures that screen printing isnt going anywhere. Because screen printing is still very cost efficient on order of twenty or more t-shirts, people will still choose to print in the traditional manner. People shall still purchase them because they are of good quality and produced at a good price.
This revolution will not come because digital printing does not allow for the exponential increase in production sometimes associated with an increase in technology. Once again our free will guarantees that screen printing is not leaving yet because people still save money on the t-shirts. This extra money is often, although not necessarily correctly, linked to an increase in happiness which is the ultimate drive for the individual. Thus one can see that the myriad of choices for printers helps in an economical way to give consumer choice and value which ultimately leads to their increased happiness all deriving from the ability to choose to use screen printers over digital printers. Thus choosing a traditional screen printer will make you happier and is the obvious choice for large orders of t-shirts.

The Hidden Dangers of Soy

Do You Believe That Soy is Healthy? With obesity, thyroid problems, osteoporosis, and a host of other problems on the rise, you may want to reconsider.

Did you know that the soy industry is a $70 billion a year business? I started researching soy when I developed a severe allergy to soy in 2003 (the anapylactic shock type). What I learned is very disturbing.

We are eating soy products today at levels never before seen in history. Advances in food technology have made it possible to isolate soy proteins, isoflavones, and other substances found in the bean and add them to all kinds of foods where they've never been before. The number of processed and manufactured foods that contain soy ingredients today is astounding. These days it can be hard to find foods that don't contain soy flour, soy oil, lecithin (extracted from soy oil and used as an emulsifier in high-fat products), soy protein isolates and concentrates, textured vegetable protein (TVP), hydrolyzed vegetable protein (usually made from soy) or unidentified vegetable oils. Most of what is labeled "vegetable oil" in the U.S. is actually soy oil, as are most margarines. Soy oil is the most widely used oil in the U.S., accounting for more than 75 percent of our total vegetable fats and oil intake. And most of our soy products are now genetically engineered.

There was considerable research done in 1966 about the harmful substance within the soybean.
Soy contains several naturally occurring compounds that are toxic to humans and animals. The soy industry frequently refers to these toxins as anti-nutrients, which implies that they somehow act to prevent the body from getting the complete nutrition it needs from a food. The soy toxins (such as phytic acid) can certainly act in this manner, but they also have the ability to target specific organs, cells and enzyme pathways, and their effects can be devastating. As with any toxin, there will be a dose at which negative effects are not observed.

Health experts are particularly concerned that breast-cancer sufferers who take soy or phyto-oestrogen supplements could feed the disease and reduce the effectiveness of their treatment.
Those soy food or isoflavone supplement manufacturers that proclaim the anti-cancer properties of their products are guilty of giving false hope to millions... but worse they may be placing consumers at greater risk of contracting the same horrendous diseases they are trying to avoid.

Another area of concern is infant soy formula. New research suggests high concentrations of manganese found in soybean-based baby formula can lead to brain damage in infants and altered behaviors in adolescents.

The say soy can reverse child obesity because soy foods provide critical vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. They claim soy foods contain less calories and fat grams making weight loss easier. Kid friendly foods like soymilk, frozen pizza, taco-style meant and chicken-style nuggets. This doesnt sound like a healthy diet to me. And, now all the fast food chains are stating they are switching to no trans fats which just boils down to using soybean oil!

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The Benefits of Having a Business Credit Card

Whether you have a home business that you work alone or you have a larger company with several employees, a business credit card can be a valuable asset. It's a way to keep your business and personal expenses separate - vital for bookkeeping and taxes! But there are more benefits as well.

You probably have a credit score of your own. Your business needs one too. Having a credit card for your business allows it to build up a score.

A business credit card greatly simplifies how you spend for your business. You won't have to rely on writing out checks in advance for everything, and you can authorize trusted employees to make necessary purchases on the business credit card. While these obviously need to be well tracked, it saves you the hassle of coping with checks.

The benefit to your bookkeeping is quite clear. When you receive your statement, all purchases are there to be verified. Many credit cards offer special reporting for businesses, so that you can keep better track of your spending. Having the credit card record gives your accountant one more tool to work with.

You can also benefit from the rewards your business credit card may offer. You can earn travel, points and so forth, just as with other credit cards. While these may not be worthwhile if you carry a balance, if you pay off every month you have a definite benefit. Just make sure that you know the balance between what you would be paying in interest with and without rewards.

Company credit cards are not just for big companies. Big companies use them because they are convenient and make bookkeeping and spending easier, so that less time is wasted. Credit card companies do not require that your company be huge.

You will want to know that for a small business, your personal credit and your business credit can become intertwined. If your business has no credit history, all the company can do is look at your personal credit history to decide if your business is deserving of credit. Through the years this link may or may not become more important. If you're a one-person business, how else are they going to be guaranteed repayment, if not by you personally?

Do not let your concerns about using a business credit card keep you from investigating them. While there is a bit of extra work in keeping up with the payments, the time you save in tracking your business spending should more than make up for this.

Brighten Your Friends Day with Funny Jokes

Funny jokes bring smiles to everyone, young or old, male or female. There are thousands of hilarious jokes available online so you never have to run out of funny things to send your family, friends, or coworkers.

Funny Jokes by Email - Finding Safe Jokes

With email you can send funny jokes to your friends or coworkers with the simple click of a mouse. Encouraging or funny emails always help relieve frustration during a busy workday. They bring laughs when someone's going through a stressful time. You might send funny blonde jokes to your blonde friend, or pass funny jokes about women, men, or bosses around to the men or ladies at work. There are also hilarious jokes about work, life, sex, rednecks, animals, and so forth.

Email jokes are popular, but beware of forwarding emails. Forwarding emails are emails that originate from an unknown person and begin circulating among friends via email. They often contain viruses, spy ware, or tracking codes that can hinder your computer's operation or even invade your privacy.

HINT: When sending funny jokes to friends and family, be sure to copy and paste your own set of jokes and attach your own images into the emails. Find a reputable joke site that allows you to use the available jokes so you won't have to worry about email viruses. You can read through the jokes in various categories and copy those you feel will make your friends laugh! Or, you can just send the link of the site to your friends so they can enjoy all the jokes.

Funny Videos

Everyone loves a funny video, as evidenced by the tremendous popularity of "America's Funniest Home Videos" over many years. People love to watch funny videos of funny animals, bleeps and blunders, sports blunders, practical jokes, funny accidents, and funny encounters. With the Internet, you can download funny videos for your own website and make the videos available to your website visitors. You can also download them and send the files by email or watch them on another site. You might want to make your own funny video and send it to friends and family as a joke or for a gag gift.

Funny Pictures

Another way to get some laughs with friends is to view funny pictures or pass them around by email. These can be pictures of animals, people, events, or anything that would strike someone as funny. Funny pictures can be converted to Internet files using a digital camera or digital files. They can be scanned into a computer, or if you're an artist, you might be able to draw some funny pictures.

Funny Business for Your Website

An idea for your business is to add funny pictures or funny videos to your website for visitors to watch or download. Find something funny that relates to your business. For example, if you own an insurance business, find a video or picture that uses humor to illustrate possible insurance needs. A man flipping into the air off his bike after hitting a curb is not really funny in life, but for potential insurance customers, it might bring a few laughs through a funny video. You'd be surprised at how these types of funny home videos or photos get attention and visitors!

Search online to find a funny joke site that offers written jokes, funny videos, funny pictures, and more. You can make your friends laugh every day of the week!


Taking Cost of Living Into Account When Assessing An Overseas Nursing Contract

One of the scariest things about moving your nursing career overseas is the feeling of uncertainty when it comes to accepting a contract. Many questions go through your head, is this enough money? How much will it cost to live? Will I have enough to send home?

When looking at an employment contract for a nursing job abroad it is very easy to focus on the salary youll be receiving and judge the medical recruiters offer on that basis alone. However, should you fall into this trap you could be robbing yourself of some very attractive opportunities...

If you want to send money home, or have enough money to travel with and take advantage living in another country, then it is not the salary offered that you should be looking at when deciding if a contract is worth signing or not. What you need to be considering is the amount of money you will have left over at the end of the month, or you disposable income.

Disposable income is the difference between the income you receive in your pay packet and what you have to spend to live. Many factors affect your disposable income, and you need to consider them all when you are assessing a nursing employment contract.

Firstly, and probably most importantly, the cost of housing in the area where you will be nursing will have serious impact on how much money you have left at the end of the month. To find out how much accommodation will cost you - use the power of the internet. You can Google something like 1 bedroom apartment Albany New York. And take a look at what is on offer with the letting agents that come up. Alternatively you can try to find the name of a local newspaper and check the classified section for Apartments for Rent.

You may find that accepting a nursing job in an area which has a low cost of housing, or one where housing is included will result in you having a higher disposable income, even if the salary figure is lower than you are being offered in other places.

The second highest expense would probably be your food bill, and the cost of food can vary drastically, even within a country. The cost of food includes your groceries that you bring home and cook for yourself, and also the food and drink that you purchase while you are out. To find out how the cost of food will affect your budget you can again use the power of the internet. Many restaurants now have internet sites and you can even check out their menu and the cost of things like their set meal.

Of course there are some exceptions to this rule. If you are only going to shop at large chain stores and eat at restaurants like McDonalds then your cost of living will be largely unaffected by your food purchases because these companies generally set one price for across the country.

Now, between countries, thats different. You can actually use McDonalds to help you compare the cost of living between two countries. Each year economists work out the Big Mac Index which compares the cost of living in a number of countries and shows the information as how much a Big Mac costs. So the USA has a Big Mac cost of a dollar and places like Sweden have a higher Big Mac cost, but countries where it is cheap to live, like Indonesia, have a Big Mac cost of less than a dollar. It is a very rough guide to the cost of living in different countries.

Lastly, when working out your disposable income remember to use your take home pay when you work it out rather than your salary pre-tax. Unless you are nursing in the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia you probably will not receive a tax free income.