
Analogy and Metaphor as Activators of Unconscious Association Patterns

The logic of an analogy can appeal to the conscious mind and break through some of its limiting sets. When analogy and metaphor also refer to deeply engrained associations, mental mechanisms, and learned patterns of behavior, they tend to activate these internal responses and make them available for problem solving. Suggestions made by analogy are thus a powerful and indirect twofold approach that mediates between the conscious and unconscious. Appropriate analogies appeal to the conscious mind because of their inherent interest while mobilizing the resources of the unconscious by many processes of association.

Analogy, puns, metaphor, paradox, and folk language can all be understood as presenting a general context on the surface level that is first assimilated by consciousness. The individual words and phrases used to articulate that general context, however, all have their own individual and literal associations that do not belong to the context. These individual and literal associations are, of course, usually suppressed and excluded from consciousness in its effort to grasp the general context. These suppressed associations do remain in the unconscious, however, and under the special circumstances of hypnotic trance, where dissociation and literalness are heightened, they can play a significant role in facilitating responsive behavior that is surprising to consciousness.

The adult reader is usually searching for an author's meaning. Within certain limits it really doesn't matter what particular sentences or words are used. Many different sentences and combinations of words could be used to express the same meaning. It is the meaning or the general context of the sentences that registered in consciousness, while the particular sentences and words used fall into the unconscious and are "forgotten." In the same way one "reads" the meaning of a whole word rather than the individual letters used to make up the word. The general context of the letters registers as the conscious meaning of a word rather than the individual associations of each letter.

The greatest hypnotist of all times, Milton Erickson, has devised a number of techniques to activate the individual, literal, and unconscious associations to words, phrases, or sentences buried within a more general context. Turns of phrase that are shocking, surprising, mystifying, non sequiturs, too difficult or incomprehensible for the general conscious context, for example, all tend momentarily to depotentiate the patient's conscious sets and to activate a search on the unconscious level that will turn up the literal and individual associations that were previously suppressed. When Erickson overloads the general context with many words, phrases, or sentences that have common individual associations, those associations gain ascendancy in the unconscious until they finally spill over into responsive behavior that the conscious mind now registers with a sense of surprise.

The conscious mind is surprised because it is presented with a response within itself that it cannot account for. The response is then described as having occurred "all by itself without the intervention of the subject's conscious intention; the response appears to be autonomous or "hypnotic."

Analogy and metaphor as well as jokes can be understood as exerting their powerful effects through the same mechanism of activating unconscious association patterns and response tendencies that suddenly sum-mate to present consciousness with an apparently "new" datum or behavioral response.

What do Lenders Consider When Approving Bad Mortgage Credit Loans?

Lenders do not simply approve mortgage loan applications. Lenders also want to make sure that the money they will be lending will be paid back. Naturally, lenders would check on the borrower credit worthiness by examining their credit report.

What is a credit report and why is it so important?

Your credit report is your very record that reflects all transactions that you have between banks, lending companies and other financial institutions. Your payment history is listed in detailed within your credit report. By the law, mortgage lenders can use this document to check on an individual's background or credit worthiness. Thus, whether you have a good credit or bad credit can affect your mortgage loan application.

How is Your Credit?

Obviously, if you're planning on applying for a mortgage loan, it will be better to take a look at your credit report yourself and see if your credit rating is good enough to be approved. You may acquire a tri-merged credit report from three major credit bureaus. Based on this credit report, you will also be able to obtain your credit score.

Your Credit Score
Generally, your credit score will be calculated through the Fair Isaac or FICO score. If your credit score is below 620, then you have bad credit. Most likely, lenders will turn down your mortgage application.

Mortgage Loans for Those With Bad Credit
Now, if you have bad credit, does that mean you can never apply for a mortgage loan? No. In fact, there are lenders who offer bad credit mortgage loans or home equity loans for those with very low credit scores. These lenders have easier guidelines with regards to an application's approval. However, the interest rate you'll get on your mortgage would likely be higher than if you had excellent credit rating. This is because lenders consider individuals with lower credit ratings as high risk borrowers.

Applying for A Bad Credit Loan
If you have decided on applying for a bad credit loan or a sub prime loan, consider various lending companies and compare their quotes before deciding on which particular lending company you will apply. Don't forget to ensure the legitimacy of the company by checking from the Better Business Bureau.

Why Not Raise Your Credit Rating?
If you can work on your credit rating before applying for a mortgage loan, then the better chances you have of getting approved and getting better rates. You can still raise your credit rating by paying the unpaid balances or settling accounts in your credit report. Also, never delay and never miss another payment with your transactions.

Furthermore, make sure that there are no erroneous charges that are reflected on your credit report. If there are, request that these false charges be corrected immediately. Notify either one of the major credit reporting agencies right away. See to it that you will be given a copy of more accurate credit report afterwards.

These steps will slowly raise your credit score in time. With a higher credit score you can assure that lenders will be most willing to grant you an approval and better rates on your loan.


Hannah Montana Stars Have Spooky Movie Coming to DVD in September

Hannah Montana fans need not fret for they will get to see more of their favorite stars in a new DVD debuting on shelves this September. Emily Osment, who plays Miley's best friend Lilly, and Cody Linley, who plays Miley's love interest Jake Ryan on Hannah Montana, will star in R.L. Stine's The Haunted Hour: Don't Think About It. The production is a made-for-DVD movie from Universal Studios Home Entertainment and The Hatchery, LLC. Osment stars as 13 year old Cassie, a Goth girl who is trying hard to adjust to a new school and neighborhood. She then begins playing spooky pranks on the cool kids at school, scaring they and her little brother. However, right before Halloween, she gets hold of a mysterious book entitled "The Evil Thing", which would change her life forever.

R.L. Stine has reached out to a younger audience with his award-winning stories such as the Goosebumps series of books that have sold over 220 million copies so far. The FOX Kids' show based on the books aired for four years and was named by TV Guide as one of the best children shows on television.

The Haunted Hour: Don't Think About It DVD contains bonus material such as a segment which takes a closer look at Stine, entitled "Think About It! R.L. Stine's Journey of Imagination." Other inclusions are the Interactive Scare-O-Meter, "The Making of Don't Think About It," and a previously unreleased music video from Emily Osment.

Osment makes her musical debut on the movie, singing its theme song entitled "I Don't Think About It." On Hannah Montana, her character is more of a backgrounder for her popstar friend Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus) and it is in this movie that she takes the lead. Osment and Linley have appeared in movies prior to the success of Hannah Montana. Osment played Gerti Giggles in the second and third installments of the Spy Kids movies, while Cody starred in Hoot.

R.L. Stine's The Haunted Hour: Don't Think About It debuts on store shelves on September 4.

The Romance of a Jamaica Honeymoon

If you are trying to decide where to go for your post wedding trip a honeymoon in Jamaica is one of the best places to choose for those days of romance and bliss. Jamaica, an island nation in the Caribbean Sea known for its scenery and amazing weather is one of the most gorgeous and romantic tropical honeymoon spots in the world. Going off to secluded lagoons, lying on pristine white beaches, watching the coconut fronds wave in the breeze are just some moments unique to a Jamaica honeymoon.

Jamaica has everything a newlywed couple needs to start their life together; steel drums, clear blue Caribbean waters, soft breezes, warm sand, and a slow island pace. It is lush, mountainous and offers plenty of adventure and honeymoon hideaways where any couple can spend intimate moments away from it all.

There is no lack of adventure to be found on this beautiful island, even if it is nothing more then spending time doing nothing together. While the tropical beaches and warm tropical waters are the main draw there is more to this island paradise then that. Ghostly Grotto Lake, which is underground and only accessible by boat, is a favorite spot amongst the honeymoon set. For the more adventurous there is cliff jumping into pools of warm water or the opportunity to swim through underwater caves.

For the couple that is more interested in the night life and enjoying the sight and sounds of a city then Montego Bay is the place. It is a large resort city with a nightlife that just never quits. You can be on the beach with a cold drink in your hand in less then an hour after getting off the plane if you choose to stay in this vibrant tropical city.

If you are looking for a more relaxed atmosphere then check into the resorts around the Negril area of the island. Negril is a laid back resort town with some of the most beautiful sunsets to be found. This sleepy tropical town also has a good nightlife and shopping to keep even the most avid of shoppers happy.

Unquestionably, on you Jamaica honeymoon you and your new spouse will have a lifetime experience because a trip to this tropical island is loaded with all kinds of pleasant surprises. A honeymoon in Jamaica will allow you to enjoy each other in a beautiful setting as your life together begins.

The Grading Process Of Diamonds

When you decide to buy a diamond, usually the thing that matters most to you is how it looks and how much it will cost. It is not very hard to read a price tag, and you can tell whether a stone looks good or not on the outside just by looking at it.

Unless you are familiar with the diamonds grading process, and the average person usually is not, then you will not know how to determine if the price you are paying is appropriate for the diamond you are buying.

You first have to familiarize yourself with this grading process. The four C's is the term used to define the four words involved in this, color, clarity, cut , and caret.

They all help determine the diamonds value. The color that is best is a clear white. It is graded by a chart ranging from D to Z. The closer to D the diamond you pick is the better.

The cut of a diamond has a more involved process. The artistry required to cut a diamond is no simple matter. In order for the diamonds light reflection potential to be achieved, the facets of the diamond have to be perfectly symmetrical to maximize the fire and brilliance you get from the stone.

The clarity of the diamond also has a grading procedure that is complicated. What a diamond looks like on the outside is important and it is possible for a diamond to have visible flaws on the outside. What a diamond looks like on the inside plays just as big a part of the determining value.

Some flaws or inclusions, as they are also called, may be visible to the naked eye. In most cases a jeweler will use a x10 magnifier called a loupe to look deep into the core of a diamond to chart defects inside. Spots of carbon, which create dark spots or fuzzy looking spots, are inclusions.

The fewer inclusions a diamond has, the greater its value is. These inclusions will be listed on the certificate of authenticity you receive when you buy diamonds or gem stones, along with the other 3 C's.

The caret of the diamond is the fourth C. The caret tells how much a stone weighs. Obviously the bigger the diamond, the more valuable it will be. Having even a minor knowledge in the diamond grading process will make you feel a lot more confident in the choice you make.


Hair Loss Remedies - Dont Suffer - Get Help Now

The normal cycle of hair growth normally lasts from about two to six years. Male pattern baldness, which is also called alopecia, is characterized by hair receding from the lateral sides of the forehead, known as a receding hairline. An additional bald patch may develop on the top also. An interesting bit of trivia of note: the word alopecia is formed from the Greek word meaning fox; the origin comes from the fact that the fox sheds its coat twice a year.

Some drugs, medicines or medications can cause hair loss, which improves when you stop taking the medicine; medications that can cause hair loss include blood thinners, medicines used for gout, chemotherapy drugs used for cancer, too much vitamin A supplementation, birth control pills and antidepressants. Wearing a hat generally shouldn't cause baldness, though it's a good idea to give your scalp a rest and let it breathe for several hours each day. And hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes.

About three or four months after illness or a major surgery, you can suddenly temporarily lose a large amount of hair. This hair loss is related to the stress of the illness. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children, which is easily treated with topical antifungal medications. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it's important to find the cause so it can be treated properly and fast.

In the past it was believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather; while there's some basis for this belief, both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. If a medication is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine or you may find you really don't need the medicine at all. And some mycotic infections can cause massive hair loss.

Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil (called Rogaine in the U.S and elsewhere as Regaine) are drugs that have reported having shown some success in partially reversing loss but consider the side effects. Propecia is only available with a prescription; comes in pill form, is only for men and may take up to six months before you can tell if it is working. Stress reduction can be helpful in slowing hair loss too.

The topical application of Ketoconazole, which is both an anti-fungal and a potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, is often used as a supplement to other approaches. Surgery is another method of reversing hair loss and baldness, although it may be considered extreme. While drastic, broad spectrum anti-androgens such as Flutamide are sometimes used topically, Flutamide is potent enough to have a feminizing effect in men, including growth of breasts.

Be aware there are side effects and serious side effects sometimes with the drugs that are commonly used for hair loss. Hair loss remedies and treatments with prescription drugs are long term commitments and not short term exposure. Know that very little testing has been done on the long-term effects of Minoxidil on women.

You can try lying on a slant board with head down for 15 minutes a day for increased circulation to the area, but clear it with your doctor first. Garlic as a hair loss remedy - an hour before bedtime, slice open a clove of garlic and rub it on the hair loss area, wait for an hour then massage the scalp with olive oil, put on a cap, go to bed, shampoo your hair in the morning, repeat for a few weeks, and hopefully hair will stop falling out and regrowth will be showing. Also try rubbing vitamin E oil into the scalp nightly.

You can try massaging of the scalp with the fingers daily. For the Russian cure with the honey and vodka remedy for hair loss - combine one tablespoon honey with one jigger of vodka and the juice of a medium-size onion; rub mixture into the scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning. Beta Sitosterol, which is a constituent in many seed oils, can help to treat BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy) by lowering cholesterol; but consuming large amounts to get the small quantities of beta sitosterol is likely to exacerbate male pattern baldness.

The vodka and cayenne remedy for loss - mix one jigger of vodka with a 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (test on skin first for sensitivity) and rub it on the scalp; blood rushes to the hair follicles stimulated by the vodka and cayenne pepper - be careful if you try it. Make sure to test any home remedies on a small area first and check with your hair loss doctor or skin doctor before trying any natural home remedy if it includes any irritating ingredients. Saw Palmetto is an herbal DHT inhibitor often claimed to be cheaper and have fewer side effects than finasteride and dutasteride. Unlike other 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, saw palmetto induces its effects without interfering with the cellular capacity to secrete PSA (protein specific antigen).

Try using double-strength herbal sage tea as a hair rinse or apply to the scalp every day as a tonic. Apple cider vinegar used as a hair rinse also may stimulate hair growth.

Keep in mind that hair loss should be continually treated, preferably natural however, even after the loss stops. Concentrate on boosting the immune system to give your hair the best chance to regrow. And keep your scalp in good condition at all times.


How Social Skills Training Can Change Your Life

From the time that a child plays with or interacts with another child of his or her own age, there is already that basic need to communicate, socialize and interact. Man is a social animal and this basic need to mingle and communicate cannot be denied. This is the reason why social skills training is a necessity if you want to survive any given social situation.

Be it in a professional setting in the workplace, or a personal setting like a barbeque with friends or family, social skills training will give you a chance if you want to harness your interpersonal relationships with other people.

However, the fear of being judged, being placed under scrutiny of the public eye, fear of being ridiculed or embarrassed and a lack of self-confidence are all factors which may get in the way of your social skills development. These problems, just like any other obstacles in life, need to be overcome and there are steps that you can take to do so. Here are some tips on social skills training that you can follow so that you can widen your social circle and enhance your personal and professional relationships with other people:

1. Learn to develop a good sense of self

Often times, self-confidence issues get in the way of people developing a deeper social and personal connection. For example, fear of public speaking can be rooted from a lack of self-confidence. If you are extremely nervous about what people will think of you when you go out there to speak, then your fear will be physically manifested through heart palpitations, sweating and stuttering.

To counteract this fear, you need to develop a good sense of self. You can improve your physical appearance if that is what you personally need to boost your self-esteem. If your fear is that of public speaking, start eliminating the fear by making small talk with the people that you see everyday. This will serve as your practicing ground so that you will feel more conversant and gain more confidence as you go along.

Finally, if your fear is from the fact that you have nothing 'intelligent' to say, then broaden your knowledge of a wide array of topics. Take personality development trainings or related courses to add to your sense of self-worth.

2. Learn about diplomacy, conflict management and active listening

You can consider these three factors as 'advanced' courses in your social skills training. First, diplomacy is the manner by which a person handles disagreements between two or more parties. At work or at home, you can be immersed in a situation where you are in the middle of a conflict. Through negotiations and compromise, you can methodically and peacefully resolve conflicts as part of your social skills training.

The same thing goes for conflict management. When facing a situation where you need to 'take sides', you should be able to make a decision wisely without ending up harming the personal relationships that you have developed with both sides. This may be easier said than done, but by being objective, you can manage to resolve any work or family-related conflicts.

Finally, active listening is an essential social skill training that you need to have. When mingling with other people, you can probably feign interest even when your attention is not solely directed to the speaker - but what happens when it is time for you to make an appropriate comment? Will you be able to come up with a wise statement if you are not actively listening? To avoid committing social blunders, to avoid being rude and to make the other person feel comfortable, you need to actively listen rather than just hearing without actually paying attention.

With social skills training, you can develop better and more meaningful interpersonal relationships while gaining confidence in yourself with your ability to handle any social situation that will come your way.