
Are You A Job Hunting Wimp? Take This Simple Test Before Its Too Late!

It's not hard to be a job hunting wimp! All you have to do is follow the old-fashioned way of finding a job. It's called "hoping something will fall into your lap!"

A job hunting wimp is someone who turns over the expectations of success in today's competitive marketplace to a resume . . . or an online job site . . . or a bunch of emails and letters. A job hunting wimp doesn't want to get involved in what it really takes to get ahead.

So, are you a job hunting wimp? Takes this simple test:

. . . if you want to turn over responsibility for your career growth to someone else

. . . if you prefer to sit back and hope the jobs will come to you

. . . if you're content with passively answering some ads and mailing or posting some resumes

. . . if your idea of control over your job hunting is to wait for the phone to ring

then read no further!

You're not cut out for today's competitive job market. You're not going to make it with employers who expect you to be on top of what's going on . . . someone who knows how sell your capabilities and assets. In short, no one wants to hire a wimp!

Only you are responsible for your next job. You must take the initiative to win the opportunity to achieve at your level of ability. That means you have to be prepared to promote your strengths and capabilities with pride.

It also means you have to be realistic about an employer's legitimate concerns over your weaknesses without falling apart.

There's some additional job hunting advice. The 21st Century job marketplace is different, especially since 9/11 and Katrina. The old-fashioned methods don't work anymore . . . at least if you don't want to select your job rather than settle for it.

You must understand that no one owes you a job. Getting ahead these days means you must have a carefully planned job campaign. And you have to learn to see yourself and your candidacy through an employer's eyes.

You have to work assertively to get yourself in front of selected employers. That means using strategies and techniques aimed at cutting through the resume and interview hoopla and getting directly to the person who could be your next boss. For example, by using carefully groomed "career partners."

To put it simply you have to be prepared to take the initiative. Fortunately there are exciting programs that can get you up to speed in a matter of hours . . . and have you entertaining job offers in as little as 14 days!

One final piece of advice to avoid being a job hunting wimp: don't procrastinate! Get started right now!