
Womens Health and Herbs

Healthy Women, Healthy World

With limited access to education or employment in many nations, high illiteracy rates and increasing poverty levels are making health improvement for women exceedingly difficult. Many of the modest gains in womens health realized in recent decades are now threatened or have been reversed due to war, economic instability and the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Women play a unique role in maintaining the health and well-being of their communities. Womens health issues have attained higher international visibility and renewed political commitment in recent decades.

Women always face unique health issues. From puberty through menopause, women deal with hormonal fluctuations, monthly menses, ovulation, pregnancy, and lactation. Breast cancer is a devastating illness striking women often in the prime of life. As many as 44,000 women die from breast cancer each year.

Women are also warned to guard against osteoporosis, or thinning and weakening of bones. The risk of heart disease climbs rapidly in women. As many as 36 per cent of American women, or about 375,000, die from heart disease each year. In addition, coronary risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension are all on the rise among women.

It is every womans birth right to avail good health; hale heart, strong bones, strength and vitality. Women need some tried and true, safe and simple way to nourish themselves, ease their daily discomforts as well as help guard against, and therefore prevent, serious, life threatening diseases. We've pulled together all our resources to help you get expert information on breast cancer prevention, treatment and more.

A variety of herbs are available to treat diseases related to women. Get information about natural remedies and herbs that provide safe and effective treatment to womens problems. We offer information about issues such as heavy bleeding, fibroids, hysterectomy, menopause and hormones, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ovarian problems.

If you have a personal health story; something which you have struggled through, but survived or something which you still face in your life and you would like to share it with other you can send it to Herbalist.com. Visit Herbalist and get answers to all questions related to womens health, herbal remedies, and herbal treatments.