
How to Effectively Overcome Objections

If you've ever been in a conversation with a prospect, then you have had to deal with objections. It's simply a fact of business that prospects will have objections. In order to move the prospect forward on a decision to do business with you, you will need to overcome the prospect's objection. Unfortunately, for most marketers handling and overcoming an objection from the prospect is difficult.

I believe one of the biggest reasons most marketers in the Direct Selling Industry struggle with having to handle and overcome objections is due to underdeveloped skills in overcoming objections. You see, if you knew how to handle the objection in a way that came naturally for both you and your prospect, you would be more effective not only in overcoming the objections, but you would also close more sales.

Objections can hold up and stall any sale. Objections are unavoidable and the objection your prospect gives can be direct or indirect. It can also be completely absurd and irrational or make sense and very logical. To an inexperienced marketer, especially one who has underdeveloped skills in overcoming objections, to have to deal with an objection can become a major
obstacle that will stand in the way of getting more prospects saying yes and doing business with them.

A little know secret technique to effectively overcoming objections is to view overcoming of objections is really just answering questions. Knowing how to overcome objections requires knowing how to effectively answer your prospect's questions. However, for most people, objections are viewed as something negative and creates often an overtone of the marketer's response to come across as a defensive response.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when handling objections is they believe and perceive the prospect is being negative. This is especially common for the inexperience marketer or those who have never fully developed their objection handling skills.

The fact is we are in a relationship business. To build and nurture relationships requires effective communication. Handling and overcoming objections is part of the communication. And effective communication often does not happen because most of us just try to wing it or read from some list of frequently asked questions. The sad part about this is approaching
objections in this way only creates frustration, which can shut down communication.

While most marketers come into the Direct Selling Industry without the proper developed skill set required for getting their job done, a very natural approach to overcoming objections can be learned quickly. It will take time and effort to master this natural approach, but once learned, if applied consistently in all conversations you have with prospects, you will be perceived as empathetic, professional, non-pushy, and one who answered their question right away with confidence, credibility, and honesty. The result from such an approach will be win/win, meaning you win and your prospect wins.