
Four Smallville Superhero Spin-Off Ideas

Rumors have been circulating that this season will be Smallville's last, and of course, what better way to fuel these rumors than to introduce the idea of a spin-off? There's no denying that Smallville is one of The CW's biggest hit series, and they could surely find a way to let the Smallville saga live on, and keep fans craving for more. Yes, they previously tried to pull it off with an Aquaman series, but that production was cut short after the WB/UPN merger, which sabotaged all the new shows.

Fortunate for the CW, they have been stabilized and thus can pull off another hour-long comic book drama about some superhero played by a hot blue-eyed, dark-haired, thick-lipped model/actor who can make our television sets burn with chemistry. Also taking into consideration Smallville's last season, which introduced their own little Justice League. And so that's where the potential for a spin-off lies.

So what are the options for the CW? They could focus on a character or two and from there create a whole new plot possibly connected to where Smallville may leave off.

For one, there's the Green Arrow, a typical modern day Robin Hood with no powers whatsoever. The catch is that he has not only a passion for saving the day, but the right gadgets to do so. Not interesting enough? Justin Hartley, who plays Green Arrow, is from the soap opera Passions, which guarantees that he is hot and gorgeous.

Then there's Aquaman. The first time might have failed, but now that the CW has established superhero fanaticism, maybe there would be a second chance for the water dude. But then again, they must take note of not casting Alan Ritchson, as he may be aesthetically perfect, but his acting skills won't be saving the show during the time of need.

This is one for the Robocop fanatics: Cyborg. Victor, half-man and half-machine, is similar to Bionic Woman. He's also been in an accident that almost cost him his life, and science has not only granted him a second chance, but also some crime-busting gear.

Let's go back to Justice League and take a look at Bart Impulse Allen, who might be the coolest member of the gang. Why? Because he's not exactly goody-goody. Moreover, Kyle Gallner is one great actor, and he can bring the charm to Impulse anytime.

If ever the CW does chose one of these heroes to hand over a spin-off to, we all hope they would live up to what Smallville has become. It would be great to see a wonderful spin-off from a very successful franchise of Smallville.