
Location, Location, Location...

Ten minutes later, Rodney’s secretary puts through a call from Mr Smythe-Browne, who is sounding distinctly miffed.  He’s followed the scant directions Rodney sent him (or those that he could read from the splodgy, blurred photocopy) and is now hopelessly lost.   Rodney apologises, naturally, and tries to put him on the right track.  Difficult, as Rodney’s premises are in the middle of nowhere.
When he finally arrives, Mr Smythe-Browne is very disgruntled.  Still smarting from having ended up on a pig farm, his Mercedes stuck up to its wheel arches in  heaven-knows-what, the tone of the meeting is somewhat cool, as he mutters about what a busy man he is and how time is money, whilst brushing the dried mud from the bottoms of his expensive suit trousers. 
Although we take them pretty much for granted, clear and user-friendly maps and signage are an essential part of our everyday lives.  Imagine the chaos that would ensue on motorways and the London Underground, if we had to guess where we were going!
On university and college campuses and in shopping centres, clear maps and floor plans play a crucial part in helping visitors navigate a complex site.  In hospitals, too, they are invaluable.  For those visiting a sick relative or friend, it can be a worrying time.  Being able to find their way quickly and easily around the various departments and wards helps to reduce at least some of that stress.  For hospital employees, particularly new, casual or agency staff, clarity of information is vitally important – it saves time and, potentially, lives.  Hospitals can now make their floor plans interactive via their Intranet, allowing staff and patients alike to access a host of information, including availability of equipment and clinic times. 
In an increasingly competitive market, your business needs to project the most professional image possible for your discerning clients and potential customers.  As we’ve seen from Rodney’s sad experience, quality of presentation simply cannot be compromised – and first impressions do count.  To raise your company’s corporate awareness, promotional maps can be produced in a range of sizes, from A3 (folded or flat), right down to ‘pocket’ maps;  powerful little marketing tools no bigger than a credit card, which pull and unfold to reveal all the information you wish to convey.  “How to Find Us” on the front; mini company brochure on the back?  The choice is yours.
You can even have your Annual Report or Company Prospectus produced in the "Location Map" format.  Or you may consider a printed folder – an attractive presentation pack, printed inside and out, that puts the stamp on your corporate identity, describes your organisation and details the facilities, services and products you provide.   Whatever the application, a map will put your company where it belongs – right on the map.
Somehow Rodney knows, when Mr Smythe-Browne leaves the factory, that he won’t be hearing from him again.  He kicks himself;  for just a small outlay, he could have had some faxable maps produced simply but professionally in clear monochrome, and might have saved himself the loss of a big contract (and a good deal of embarrassment).  Just one of those things he didn’t get around to… back burner job… didn’t think it was that important.  As Del Boy used to say, “Rodney, you really are a …….”