
Learning About Basic Wiccan Spell Supplies

There are certain things that spell makers, whether they are working in a group or own their own, will likely need. The following covers most of them, but do not feel that you need to rush out to gather all of these things immediately. You can always improvise and gather the components as you go along, so long as everything that you use is properly consecrated.

An Altar

This is simply put, a special area upon which to work your magics. They may be ornately carved, beautifully crafted works of art or they might be a simple, functional flat table where you feel comfortable working. Either way, this is a specially consecrated space on which you will work when preparing your spells and on which you may keep many of the tools which you will be using - such as a chalice, candles, and the like.

Altars are central to Wiccan rituals and many non-Wiccan spell casters make use of them as well. The shape and location of the altar is not all that important - they can be round or square, indoors or outdoors - just as long as the object hold some special significance for the caster and the place is somewhere quiet and peaceful where spells can be cast and work can be done.


A double-edged ritual knife, about six inches long. It is usually blunt because the only thing it is used to cut is energy. In accordance with tradition, athames are black handled. Wiccans and other spell weavers use the athame to direct energy and to open and close the doorway to the spell caster's circle. If there is no athame, a sword, or a wand, a branch cut very gently from a tree and suitably consecrated, can be used in its place.


Used for keeping things together and for carrying many things to and from the circle.

Bath Salts and Oils

Usually added to a ritual bath, taken before starting to weave spells, to put the spell caster into a suitably relaxed frame of mind.


Often rung at the beginning of a ritual when calling the four quarters and at the end to tell the elements to return to their realms, after they have been thanked for their attendance at the ritual.


The knife traditionally used by witches. It normally has a white handle and a curved blade. It is used to cut plants and herbs, wands, and anything else needed for the making of magic. When something is cut from a living plant it should be done very gently and one should remember to ask permission before cutting and to give thanks afterwards.

Book of Shadows

Also know as a grimoire, this is a journal of sorts in which witches keep a record of the spells they cast, the chants and invocations they use, the dreams they dream, and other matter that are pertinent to their personal magic making.


Very necessary items in the witches' cupboard. One is used to keep salt and another for water, but the efficient witch usually has several more at hand in case they are needed.


Usually the first thing that people think of when the word, "witch" is mentioned - and it is hard to stop the mental picture of a black robed crone zooming across the sky at night. Broomsticks are traditionally known as besoms in the world of witches and spell casters and are used for sweeping away negative influences as opposed to flying about.


A sharp pointed instrument used to inscribe candles and other objects.


These are absolutely essential. It is almost impossible to make magic without one. They are used in literally thousands of spells. Efficient makers of magic ensure that they have a large store of them in all sizes and colors.


Like broomsticks, these are another thing that comes to mind when most people hear the word, "witch". They are used to mix lotions and potions but don't have to be either round or black so generally associated with the Shakespearian incarnation. Any suitable heatproof vessel will do as long as it has been properly consecrated.


Used for drinking consecrated liquids during magic making, especially when more than one spell caster is present. Some people use elaborate, metal ones that are studded with semi-precious stones. Others enjoy the simplicity of crystal or glass. It is really just a matter of personal choice.


Often used to burn incense. Herbs strewn over glowing charcoal are also a part of many spells. Like everything else, it has to be consecrated before use. Efficient spell casters consecrate a large bag all at once and then dip into it as needed.


Used to burn incense. They are mounted on metal feet so that the heat of burning charcoal will not damage the surface on which they rest.


Used by practical witches to determine north, south, east, and west - and they are essential if one is weaving magic in an unfamiliar area.


Used to create magic circles in which to weave spells and also in spells that are cast to create binding magic.


Used for the power they add to a spell and also for altar decoration. Every spell caster has his or her own favorite stone, which they know from experience works for them. Each crystal holds its own power and will give different results.

Essential Oils

Commonly used in spells on their own, to dress candles, or added to incense which is to be burned in a censer. Essential oils are powerful and should never be swallowed or, with certain exceptions, rubbed directly onto the skin without first being diluted by some form of carrier oil (such as almond). The exception is lavender, which is one of the most popular and is often drizzled into a ritual bath to add fragrance to the warm water.


Widely used in the making of magic. They can be easily obtained from shops and markets and many are just as easily grown in a garden or window box. Not only is this cheaper but when they are growing their pleasing smell wafts into the house when the wind is bowing in the right direction. Herbs can be strewn on glowing charcoal, added to smoldering incense or used to anoint candles. Herbs make wonderful charms carried in a handbag wrapped in a piece of natural cloth and carried in a pocket.


Used either in powder, cone, or stick form to represent the element of air. Traditionally it should be placed and burned on the east end of a witch's altar.